Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sip and See

A wonderful friend has a Sip and See once a year.  A sip and see is like a baby shower after the baby has arrived.  She honors all the babies born, adopted, or fostered during the past year.  This year was Micah's year to be celebrated.  Micah loved all the attention and gave sweet smiles.

Great friends!

All the babies being celebrated!  (Micah is the biggest, but not the oldest.)

Mommies and babies


  1. What a fun idea!

    Much love,
    Future Mama

  2. precious!! Micah sure is much bigger than most of them! I bet he is bigger than Harrison! LOVE the chunky little ones...more to squeeze, kiss, and love!

  3. Natalie, he is gorgeous! :) I am sorry I never emailed back (I actually lost your email), but know that Dave and I are praying for your family as we await our own arrival for our little one from Taiwan. Take care~
    Sara Baumgartner
