Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Explaining adoption to a three year old

Elliana has been part of our discussion on adoption from the beginning. We have openly talked about it since Andy was born. So he too has heard it, but he is yet to communicate his understanding of what it means.

The day after we accepted Micah's referral Elliana started playing adoption. She held two baby dolls and said this one is from my belly, but not this one. I say, "Oh, yeah." She responded, "Yeah, he in my daddy's belly." So in her three year old world, that is where Micah came from, her daddy's belly. Well, after couple more days of talking about Micah, non-stop, she had a different idea. We have a picture of Micah's birthmom. She would ask to see his birthmom and think of tons of questions that I know I will need to find better answers to. "Why does he have two mommy's? You his mommy, me his sister. Me love him."
This week her questions have been fewer. She still can not pass a picture of him without commenting "He Micah, me baby brother." (sounds like baby broller.)

1 comment:

  1. I always love hearing the thoughts of little kids, and what they can understand about more complex ideas. Her ideas are so cute. It cracks me up that Chris was having this baby for a while. We would have enjoyed teasing him about it!
